segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2008

Diálogo Inglês

Waiter: Good Afternoon!
Client: Good Afernoon!
Waiter: Do you have a reservation?
Client: No I don't.
Waiter: Follow me please, and I will give you a table.
Client: Can you give me the menu please?
Waiter: Yes of corse, can I suggest you chicken rice?
Client: No. I prefer patatoes and fish but first I whant a soup.
Waiter: And what you would like to drink?
Client: Just natural Water, please.
Waiter: Can I get you an Ice cream or something else?
Client: No thanks. I'm on a diet. Just a coffee.
Waiter: Anything else?
Client: Just the bill please.
Waiter: Thank you madam. Good bye.
Client: Good bye.

2 comentários:

Ozzy e Jerry disse...

Eu posso dizer que assisti a uma bela "representação" deste texto. Jocas

Anónimo disse...

Very good!